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Is high-performance STM32H7 material no longer favored by anyone?

STM32H7 is a high-performance MCU series under STMicroelectronics (ST), and its popularity and price have been like a roller coaster ride in the past six months. After a sharp rise, it has continued to decline. This phenomenon reflects the market changes. Let's follow the real-time market tool "Chuangxin Index" to see what high-value information can be mined.

From the monthly market statistics of STM32H743VIT6, we can see that both search volume and price peaks occurred in July, while inventory levels dropped to a low point, indicating that the demand for this material reached its highest peak at that time. It can be seen that at the beginning of the third quarter, the market is looking forward to the recovery of the traditional electronics peak season.

But it must also be said that a year ago, the price of STM32H743VIT6 was as high as over 700 yuan, which means that the high point presented this year is already at the level after a significant price reduction, and this rebound is more like a "resurgence". This year's "Double Eleven" has had a mediocre heat, proving that the recovery effect during the peak season is extremely limited, and naturally cannot support the rise in material prices.

Another representative model of the H7 series, STM32H750VBT6, has a market trend similar to H743. Its search volume and price peak appeared in June, while inventory remained low for 2 months. Afterwards, the trend also showed a decrease in search volume and price, with a significant increase in inventory.

This year, the market for many electronic components has declined, but why is the downward trend of the two STM32H7 models so rapid? From the most basic principles of supply and demand and price, firstly, it is closely related to the high initial price of the material. Secondly, under the fundamentals of sluggish consumption, the demand for terminal cost reduction is increasing day by day, and there is also a tendency to reduce the use of high-value materials in the plan or reduce the output of high-cost plans.